Saturday the 2nd

We arrived to the airport at 5.45 pm, where a nice student named Nicu came to pick us up. He took us to our apartments – he was very kind and helpful. It was great that someone came to take us, because it is difficult to be in a big citty. He was explaining us some things about Bucharest and traffic rules. Diana called us to see if everything is ok, if we traveled ok and to fix a meeting for tomorrow.

We had a long day and went to bed early.

Sunday the 3rd

We met Diana at 1 a clock. It was very nice to finally meet her. She showed us the main street, gave us the most important information’s about Bucharest and our stay. We ate dinner with her on a nice restaurant, she told us what the Romanian dishes are, sarmale, bean soup, and soup from the belly of a cow…! We were a little bit scared to try it.

The rest of the day we went shopping and just relaxing.

Monday the 4th

Today we went to meet Pernille, Sanne and prof. Miki at 10.30. Together we went to school.

At the school we met with some of the teachers and where introduced to the Romanian school system. It is a big school with more than 1000 students, qualified teachers, who were nice and proud of their job. We had a guided tour in the school, we saw some big class rooms, with only about 25-30 students – In Denmark we are about 40-50 students in each class room.

The structure of the nurse education in Romania is similar with the one from Denmark.

It was a very nice meeting and we felt very welcome.

After the meeting, Jane and Lotte went back to their apartment and took lunch. Sanne and Pernille went to see more of the city and did some shopping. Jane and Lotte also went to a big shopping centre, where they tried some clothes on computerJ.

They ate dinner and on their way back home they visited a church.

Tuesday the 5th

We met prof. Miki at the metro and we went to see the first hospital, the Colentina Hospital. We got dressed and met with 2 Romanian students. They were very good in English and to take care of us. They showed us the hospital – we saw the ICU where a patient, who had a stroke, was lying. We were shocked by the Romanian health care system vs. the Danish. The hygiene standard in Denmark is a lot higher… There was no privacy for the patients and there were many students around 1 patient. The students, doctors and nurses were walking around talking loud; in our system this is forbidden.

We also saw the surgery area. A lot of the tools seemed to be very old.

It was very exciting to see the hospital, to see the differences between Denmark and Romania.

The rest of the day we went shopping, eating and relaxing… it is very hard to be in a big city J

Wednesday the 6th

Today we went to meet with Pernille, Sanne, Gabi and her husband and prof. Miki at the metro.

We took the bus to Elias-hospital. Elias was built in 1936-1938 and was the most modern hospital in Europe. It was built for the poor people. Today, a part of the hospital is a public hospital and the rest is a private hospital.

We got a guided tour around the hospital and met different staff, who told us about their specific sections. We saw neurology, cardiology, surgery and emergency section.

We noted the following:

Their uniforms are very colored and have very different shapes. In Denmark almost every uniform is white.

In Denmark we don’t have public and private sections together in one hospital.

We also noted that the involvements with the patients are very minimal in Romania compared with Denmark.

We think it has been a good day, we have seen a lot of things, for example differences between the Romanian health care system and the Danish health care system.

Thursday the 7th

We went to Universitar hospital.

We saw the neonatal department. It was nice to see that the tools and monitors were up to date.

We also went to the children’s area and the orthopedic. We had a quick look at their ER. The last thing we saw was their abortion clinic; it was very surprising so find out how many abortions are in Romania.

After the visit we ate dinner and went to “Muzeul Taranului Roman”. It was very nice to see the Romanian traditions.

Friday the 8th

Today we met prof. Miki at 9.30 in Piata Victorei. Together we took the bus to Euroclinic. Euroclinic is a private hospital and it is placed beside a public hospital. It is easy to see that it is a private hospital because of the beautiful rooms, the furniture etc.

In the hospital we were received by sweet and smiling persons.

We got a guided tour around the hospital and we saw for example a VIP-room, endo and coloscopia, mammography, maternity ward and a delivery room.

We felt very welcome at this hospital.

This hospital is like the ones we have in Denmark. It is close to Danish standard.

It was a good experience to visit Euroclinic, but it is a shame that poor people do not have the opportunity to get into that hospital.

After the visit to the hospital we met Diana. We took the metro to the house of parliament (but it was closed). We ate lunch together and that was nice.

Saturday the 9th

The day before, we made an arrangement with Florin to meet and to go to the Village Museum.

It was a beautiful little village and it showed the history of Romanian village life.

Before dinner we went to the apartment where Lotte and Jane were living.

After taht we decided to go in the city. We went to a restaurant to eat and on our way home we went to a cafe bar.

Sunday the 10th

We all arranged to meet at 11 o’clock. We took the metro to another part of Bucharest because we wanted to find a market place. After a while we found a big shopping centre where we walked around a little. We ate lunch in the centre and then we wanted to go back. We ended up taking the wrong bus and the bus took us to another shopping centre. We all agreed to go inside to look around.

Afterwards we took the right bus home and the evening was used to relax.

Monday 11th

We met Florin and Gabi – our host students – and prof. Miki at 8.30. We went to see the Emergency hospital. We saw all the departments, the kitchen and the chapel.

We noticed that there were a lot of police at the hospital and they said that it is because of the violence and the traffic accidences.

The hospital had an entrance to the private hospital. This hospital had the only department from Romania for the once who had tried to commit suicide or by accident were poisoned.

Sanne were sick at home so we used the day at home and relaxing.

Tuesday the 12th

Today we have seen Spitalul de copii Grigore Alexandrescu, a public hospital for children.

First, we went to see a little church. The priest told us a little bit about the church paintings and showed us the down stairs where the children from the hospital come to paint, read and play.

We saw emergency section and pediatric section.

At least we saw the Ronald McDonald hotel, witch was built in 2003. It was a nice lady, who showed us around. The hotel is for free and there can stay 16 families. When we where about to leave, a nice little girl came to the hotel with her family. She was very cute. We took pictures with herJ. It was very nice to see the hotel and to see that people from Romania have such opportunity.

At 3 a clock we meet with George, and he took us to the Herastrau Park. It was a very nice park, and the weather was perfect. We talked a little bit with him about Denmark and he told us things about Romania.

Wednesday the 13th

We met with prof. Miki at 9.30 in Piata Romana. We walked to the last Clinic Hospital – Dr. Ion Cantacuzino and met with Florin.

We saw their photo studio, x-ray and mammography rooms.

A doctor showed us around. He told us a little bit about the history of the hospital – the buildings were from the 1920. He also told that they try to use every corner of the Hospital because of lack of space and that they can’t expand.

He told us they used electronic journals, witch was a bit shocking because we don’t do that on every hospital in Denmark.

He examined Sannes hand with ultrasound (it locked fineJ)

We saw microbiologic department and the diabetes department. In the end we had a quick look at their children department and their birth delivery room, where we got a big surprise when we suddenly saw a woman in labour and about to give birth.

Before we where leaving Pernille got scanned and the 3 other girls looked at the screen – very fun.

At 12 o clock we met with Diana. We went to the Parliament building, but it was only Pernille and Jane that had their passports so they were allowed to enter. We went to see a little museum with Romanian traditionals costumes, it was very nice and Diana was good at explaining.

Pernille and Jane went to the Parliament and had a guided tour in English. It was very big and beautiful and way over the top. Lotte, Sanne and Diana went to the closest park and then to a nice restaurant.

It was a very nice day and again the weather was perfect. Lotte and Jane went shopping and Pernille and Sanne enjoyed the weather in the park.

The rest of the day we prepared the presentation for the next day.

Thursday the 14th

Finally a day to stay late in bed J  We met prof. Miki at Piata Romana at 11.30. She took us to the school of nursing. Diana was waiting for us. She showed us the room where the presentation should be. We were very surprised to see so many students and teachers J

We showed our power point presentation with pictures of our school of nursing in Holstebro, pictures of Danish hospitals and other. Florin translated from English to Romanian. It was a very good experience and went well. There was also time for questions. The students were very surprised about our salary.

After our presentation, the director of the school had a long speech about health, the ENM and other. We also got interviewed by a journalist, it was very funny…

Diana arranged us to participate to anatomy class. It was nice to see how they do it, the teacher and students were so sweet.

The teacher was very nice and she asked us some questions about our school, especially our anatomy classes. After that we went with Diana to eat to an Italian restaurant. The food was so good and it was good to sit down with Diana and have a nice dinner. She told us about Romania and what cities would be nice to visit sometime. We will definitely come back some time J we say a big “thank you” to the school of nursing for the delicious dinner J

Diana walked us to the metro and we all went home to pack.

Friday the 15th

Nicu (one of the students) and Diana picked us up at 10 o’clock. We went to see Cismigiu park. Diana showed us some monuments of Romanian writers, we are blown away of all Diana’s knowing about Romanian history – it is always nice to here Diana explain. It was a nice park with dogs, pigeons and a lovely playground for children. A little while later the bus came to pick us up.

We traveled for about an hour and we arrived to the festival. There were a lot of children, some in traditional Romanian clothes, old people, balloons and a tent with food. Everything looked so cosy.

Some kids at different ages were singing and dancing, there was some speeches, and then there was wonderful Romanian food J It was a nice day, and we absolutely loved the winner cake Yummy J

We went back home to Bucharest, we visited a little market and then went home to pack and relax.

We are giving you a big warm hug and a thank you for 2 unforgettable weeksJ

Love Lotte, Jane, Pernille and Sanne

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